Fat Quarter Bundles are convenient professionally cut assortments of color-coordinated 18x21-inch fat quarters. A fat quarter is a 1/4-yard piece of fabric measuring 18 inches by half the width of the fabric. Put another way, a 1/2-yard piece of fabric cut in half along the bolt fold would yield two fat quarters. In contrast, a skinny quarter measures 9 inches by the full width of the fabric. So in the case of quilting fabrics which are typically 44 inches wide, a fat quarter would measure 18x21 inches and a skinny quarter would measure 9x44 inches. Thus the word "fat" - a fat quarter is twice as wide but half as long as a skinny quarter - yielding a more versatile 1/4-yard cut of fabric for a variety of quilting, apparel, home decor and craft projects. Premium quality cotton fabric is perfect for quilting, apparel and crafts 100 percent cotton fabric; quilt and fashion weight; cut and packaged by Includes 32 fat quarters and 1 panel Precut fabrics should not be machine laundered prior to use Each fat quarter measures 18x22 inches